Monday, April 4, 2011

Venerable Dreadnought Complete

From Upload

From Upload

From Upload

From Upload

Grrr, somethings wrong with my Picasa program... Can't get them to upload from the default and it's screwed up my settings...

Finally completed my metal Venerable Dreadnought. I've been putting this off for too long and I think the final result has suffered a little bit because of it. But overall I'm quite pleased with the look. It's the first time I've really tried the weathering like this and the result, for me, is good. It's the one thing that was missing on the tank I did and the last dreadnought I painted and the fact that there is so much wasted space looks wrong, so learning the weathering technique is something I'm quite happy with, and as with all things practice will make perfect...

I was going to take the advice I was given and go with all the lenses the same color, but when I'd done all the targeting circle lenses I made the decision that the helmet lens had to be a different color. I was umming and erring about using blue or the red, but as it was going to be highlighted by the gold helmet I figured the red was the way to go. Maybe a little less bold, but more in keeping with the theme I had going...

The other thing I did a little different was really push the purity seal brightness so the vivid green really stood out. Not sure if it works and chances are I might tone them down a little later, but they really catch the eye...

Not really much else for me to say... As always I appreciate any and all comments and constructive criticism about my stuff... I'm still learning... ^_^


  1. That's quite excellent mate :)

  2. Fantastic work! The whole model looks great - the slightly desaturated color scheme really makes it look 'real'. Can't wait to see what's next!

  3. that looks fantastic. i am not usually a fan of muted colours, particularly red, but it works very well here, nice one!

  4. That is the best looking metal venerable dread I have seen, Great piece of work :P

  5. Thanks guys. It's not perfect, but I like how it turned out :)
