Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This too shall pass...

I'm pushing ahead and figure the way forward is to put aside all my current projects and paint something I've never even considered before and see how I go with the motivation... To that end I spent the afternoon making a base for my chaos sorcerer guy... At least I think he's a chaos sorcerer... Truth be told I have ZERO clue where I got this miniature. It did say GW on the tab, so at least I know the brand...


  1. Its a Games Day Miniature. The base looks great with the Secret Weapon skulls pushed into it.

    1. Oh! A Games Day Mini! Thanks Messenger! Yeah, I thought the SWM skulls would look decent as part of the Chaos Motif. ^_^

  2. "This too shall pass..." how very 'Eckhart Tolle' of you. ;)
    Good luck with the motivation! (and nice base!!)

    1. Haha, I'm not above spiritual pan-handling.

      Thanks dude :)

  3. hi
    it's a limited number issue.
    i bought it during a GW games day.
    if you wish, you can take a look at what i did with it:

    maybe it could be useful.
    let me know!

  4. Sometimes taking a break from a current project and working on something radically different is just what the doctor ordered. I usually have a couple projects on the back burner at any given time so I'll have something to fall back on when I get fed up or bored with the one I'm working on at the moment.

    I look forward to seeing how that sorcerer turns out - it's a great model!

    1. Yeah, I've got a few things scattered all over the place at various stages of painting... One day I'll finish a squad of something... ^_^
